HWNT-RGV Member Della Fay Perez-Rodriguez Receives HWNT Estrellas de Tejas Award.

Pictured from left to right are Travis County District Court Judge and Candidate for Justice of the 3rd Court of Appeals Place 6 -Gisela Triana, Della Fay Perez-Rodriguez- Estrella de Tejas Recipient and Annette Soto-Landeros HWNT-State Chair.
"So honored and humbled to be recognized as an Estrella de Tejas at the HWNT state conference. Thank you to my local HWNT RGV chapter for the nomination. I’m grateful beyond belief" - Della Fay
The Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas also known as HWNT was formed in 1986 by inviting members of existing women's and Hispanic groups from around the state to create an organization that would address issues unique to Latinas. HWNT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and has become the premier Hispanic women's organization in Texas.
The Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas (HWNT) Rio Grande Valley Chapter is the local chapter of the Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas (HWNT). HWNT is a statewide non-profit organization with individuals from diverse backgrounds who are committed to promoting the participation of women in public, corporate and civic arenas. HWNT seeks to advance the educational, cultural, social, legal and economic well-being of all women through a broader awareness of their role in society, business and family.
Estrella Award
Each year at the HWNT State conference, HWNT Chapters honor women, from among the membership, who have made a significant contributions to their chapter, community, and are role models to their fellow members.
To be an Estrella (a star), a woman must:
Be a current member of HWNT in good standing for at least one year
Has demonstrated Leadership (Star) qualities within their Chapter
Has made an impact in her HWNT Chapter and community
has been a role model for women in her Chapter
Chapter Awardee
Della Fay Perez Rodriguez was the recipient of the Estrellas de Tejas from the HWNT-
RGV Chapter. Della Fay Perez-Rodriguez is an Attorney, Mediator, Domestic Violence Activist, Dream Builder Lifestyle Coach and Rio Grande Valley Community leader. Della Fay Perez-Rodriguez is the Founder and CEO of Angels of Love, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing services to abused women and children of the Rio Grande Valley. She is currently an officer on the Board of Directors of the Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas- RGV chapter, Angels of Love and the KMAC Boosters. Della was born and raised in Falfurrias, Texas. She attended the University of Texas in Austin where she received a Bachelors in Education and obtained her Doctor of Jurisprudence at South Texas College of Law in Houston. She has participated in and organized numerous fundraisers for various organizations. She is the designer and creator of numerous programs for youth such as the Kind Girls and Girl Power program for young girls. The Be Kind program teaches girls ages 6-9 to be their own kind of beautiful by being kind. The Girl Power program teaches girls ages 10-12 to “Be Strong Be Smart, Be Amazing, and Be Yourself”. Her vision is to empower all women to take control of their lives and live out their true God given potential.
2018 State Conference
The 2018 HWNT Annual Conference was held at the Austin Marriott South on September 27-30, 2018. The HWNT Annual State Conference featured distinguished speakers from around the state and the nation. The mission of the conference is to empower women that inspire our communities with their leadership. This leadership training conference supports the mission, vision, values and beliefs of the Hispanic Women’s Network of Texas. HWNT's Annual conference brings all of the State chapters together and provides an opportunity for participants and sponsors to showcase their businesses/ products / services and most important their support to the advancement of Hispanic women. The conference draws over 300 conference attendees, professional and student Latinas, from all over the State of Texas for a two and half day filled workshops focusing on four main learning tracks of Leadership, STEM/Technology, Community, and Health.
RGV Chapter
The local chapter monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month at the DoubleTree Hotel in McAllen. The meetings are open to members and the public. To sign up as a new member, visit www.hwnt.org/membership. Be sure to select Rio Grande Valley Chapter. HWNT-RGV can be found on Facebook at HWNT-RGV. For additional information call HWNT RGV Chapter Chair Cynthia Sakulenzki at (956) 451-5255 or HWNT-RGV Chair-Elect Cristina Wilson at (956) 212-1584.