The Hispanic Women's Network of Texas (HWNT) is a state-wide organization of individuals from diverse backgrounds who are committed to promoting the participation of women in public, corporate and civic arenas. HWNT seeks to advance the educational, cultural, social, legal and economic well-being of all women through a broader awareness of their role in society, business and family. Members strive to celebrate the positive image and values of the Hispanic culture.
HWNT was formed in 1986 by inviting members of existing women's and Hispanic groups from around the state to create an organization that would address issues unique to Hispanas.
HWNT is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and has become the premier Hispanic women's organization in Texas.
Collaboration is the key to our success. Since its inception, HWNT members have come together to sponsor programs designed to cultivate the social, cultural, legal and educational interests of Hispanic women. HWNT has sponsored and supported such activities as educational/mentoring programs; Women's Rights to Vote Celebration, Hispanic Summit and Emerging Leaders Conference, HWNT's State Conference, and inter-generational programs and achievement awards and ceremonies. We believe that by women coming together in a spirit of corroboration, we can make a difference!
We believe all women can embrace who they are,
can define their future, and can change the world.
Our Mission
The Hispanic Women's Network of Texas promotes the advancement of women in public, corporate,
and civic life through education, personal and professional development.
Our Vision
To be a premier women’s organization leading as an agent of change.

Our Values
Servant Leadership
Our Beliefs
We have a responsibility to empower and inspire our community